Pianisten og komponisten Margaret Elizabeth Hamerik gik i skole på Columbia Athenæum High School, hvor musikundervisningen var højt prioriteret. Som 17- årig blev hun optaget på Peabody Conservatory of Music i Baltimore med klaver som hovedfag og violin og musikteori som bifag. Direktør var den danske komponist Asger Hamerik, som også var hendes teorilærer. Hendes hovedopgave var en koncertouverture, som indbragte hende fakultetets sjældne udmærkelse Diploma for Distinguished Musicianship:
The East Hall of the Peabody Institute was crowded last evening by the friends and fellow-students of Miss Margaret Williams, of Columbia, Tenn., who received from Provost P. R. Uhler, the "Peabody Diploma for Distinguished Musicianship." This is the highest honor that the Peabody Institute confers, and is one which but few have obtained.
Prior to the conferring of the degree the audience was entertained by a delightful recital of a number of Miss William's own compositions. The programme was as follows:
1st. - String quartet in A major, manuscript for two violins, viola and violoncello.
2d. - Three songs with piano: "They Bid Me Sleep," "I Saw On the Top of the Mountain High," "We Are Free."
3d. - Piano sonata in C sharp, minor manuscript.
The string quartet was performed by messrs. J. Zech, O. Kahl, J. Geyer and J. D. Itzel; the songs were sung by Mrs. Bettie McEwen, and Miss Williams, the laureate, played the piano sonata.
The selections were as heartily applauded as they were magnificently rendered, and Miss Williams was presented with many exquisite bouquets at the close of the concert.
Miss Williams has pursued her studies at the Peabody during the past six yeears, three years piano, two years violin and six years theory. Mr. Asger Hamerik and Mr. Richard Burmeister, the instructors of Miss Williams, were present and seemed highly gratified at their pupil's excellent performance and the appreciation with which it was received.
(The Columbia herald, 11. december 1891)
Efter sin eksamen koncerterede Margaret Hamerik i flere byer i Tennessee. Hun underviste privat i klaver, holdt elevkoncerter og var endvidere ansat som klaverlærer på Peabody Conservatory. I 1893 vandt hun i New York en førstepris for sin strygekvartet. I 1880’erne påbegyndte hun operaen Columbus, der aldrig blev færdiggjort. Dens Introduction and Mermaids’ Chorus findes både i partitur og stemmer og blev opført i 1893. P. Tjajkovskij, der i 1891 besøgte Peabody på en USA-rejse, så partituret og udtalte sig rosende om det.
5. juni 1894 blev hun og Asger Hamerik gift, og fire år senere rejste de til Danmark.
Director Asgar Hamerik of the Peabody conservatory of music and Miss Margaret E. Williams, an exceptionally talented graduate of the conservatory, were recently married at New York by Rev Dr William Kirkus, formerly of Baltimore, - much to the surprise of every one, for their engagement had been kept a secret even from their most intimate friends. Mr. Hamerik is about 52 years old, and his bride is 26. She studied composition under his instruction and several of her orchestral works have been brought out in public. She is also a gifted pianist, a pupil of Burmeister. Mr. Hamerik is a Dane by birth, and three years ago was knighted by the king of Denmark for his musical services. he came to Baltimore in 1871, when he was 28 years old, to take charge of the Peabody conservatory, and has remained there ever since. he is one of the best known of American composers abroad, and several of his symphonies have been played in London with notable success. Mr. and Mrs. Hamerik will return to Baltimore in the autumn.
(Springfield weekly Republican. 6. juli 1894)
Parret fik i alt fire børn: Gerda Hammerich (1897-1974) blev operasanger, Ebbe (1898) blev komponist og dirigent, Valdis Hamerik (1903-1995) blev operasanger, Manfred (1910).
Efter giftermålet holdt Margaret Hamerik op med at spille og komponere.
A Happy Mother.
The following clipping from an article in teh Baltimore Sun of thursday, March 4th, will be of much interest to many friends of the interested parties:
"There is a "new woman" in town. She arrived yesterday morning shortly before 7 o'clock, and has been given the titles of "The Daughter of the Peabody" and "Peabody Girl." ....
When it became known at the Peabody Institute that the "Daughter of the Peabody" was in the city, there was a great rush of callers, but to them she denied herself - for she is, after all, only a wee little daughter that was born to Mr. and Mrs. Asger Hamerik, of the Peabody Institute, and thinks, with commendable modesty, that very yound ladies should not receive company.
Mr. Hamerik received many hearty congratulations at the institute from his associates, and many cordial words of welcome were sent through him to "The Peabody Girl," who is doing finely, as is her mother, at their home, 1730, St. Paul street.
As a composer, Mr. Hamerik has achieved sonsiderable fame. He was married about two years ago to Mrs. Hamerik, who was Miss Margaret Williams, of Tennessee, and who is a graduate of the Peabody Institute."
Miss Margarat Willams, now Mrs. Hamerik, is a native born Maury Countian and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Williams. She has achieved wonderful success and considerable fame in musical circles, and the Herald congratulates her and the happy grand-parents upon this new joy.
(The Columbia herald. 12. marts 1897)
Efter at hun havde slået sig ned i Danmark var hun æresmedlem i The Woman’s Literary Club of Baltimore. I København blev hun medlem af bestyrelsen i Kvindelig Læseforening, hvor hun gennemlæste engelsksproget litteratur for at vurdere, hvad der burde oversættes og indgå i foreningens repertoire.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Williams have received notice that their daughter, Mrs. Hamerik, sailed Wednesday from Copenhagen for New York. Mr. Hamerik, being unable to accept the invitation to direct performances of his Choral Symphony, "Life, Death and Immortality," which is to be given in Baltimore and other eastern cities this months, sends his wife and little daughter, Gerda, to represent him. Mrs. Hamerik will arrive in Columbia about the first of May.
(The Columbia herald. 5. april 1907)
Hun oversatte musikvidenskabelige værker af danskere til engelsk, bl.a. i 1912 svogeren Angul Hammerichs Musik-Mindesmærker fra Middelalderen i Danmark og i 1927 Knud Jeppesens doktordisputats Der Palestrinastil und die Dissonanz. Herudover var hun medlem af repræsentantskabet for Dansk Koncertforening i 25 år. Hun havde kendskab til urtemedicin.
Newsy from Denmark.
Extracts from one written by Mrs. Asger Kamerik at Copenhagen.
Mrs. Asger Kamerik, of Copenhagen, Denmark, whose visit to her father Thomas H. Williams has been postponed on account of the war, mentioned in writing home an interesting fact in connection with the war in Belgium, which is not generally known in the United States. Mrs. Hamerik said that those troops numbering 5,000 men, who were almost annihilated in the attacks on the fort at Liege, were not Germans, but really young Danes from Slesing, one of the provinces taken from Denmark by the Germans in 1866. These troops had been placed in the most dangerous positions. One of the few survivors wrote to his betrothed in Copenhagen: "Of the 5,000 of us who were sent in there, only 37 came out alive."
(The Columbia herald. 18. september 1914)
Trykfejl og forkerte information stammer fra artiklen.
Der må være tale om slagene i og omkring Liege 4. - 16. august 1914 hvor tyskerne mødte uventet modstand fra belgierne, men dog sejrede til sidst. Muligvis medførte det at angrebet blev forsinket så franske og britiske styrker kunne få tid til at organisere sig. Kilderne er lidt uenige om hvor mange sønderjyder der blev indkaldt til krigstjeneste (fra 25.000 til 35.000). Derimod er der almindelig enighed om at omkring 6.000 blev dræbt og 4.000 varigt invalideret. Så at der skulle være dræbt 5.000 af dem ved Liege, kan næppe være rigtigt.
Den tyske hær begik grusomheder mod lokalbefolkningen, ca. 6.000 civile blev dræbt. Dansksindede soldater gjorde tjeneste i Reserveregiment 86 under 18. division. Et studie byggende på flere end 9.000 breve, dagbøger m. m. skrevet på dansk af soldater der var udsendt i tysk krigstjeneste, fremgår at det svirrede med rygter og mistillid mod belgiske civile. Begrebet krigsforbrydelser fandtes ikke, men kan passende betegnes om disse.
Efter et udsat besøg i krigens start, besøgte familien USA i efteråret 1915.
Thomas H. Williams has cabled felicitations to Copenhagen upon the occasion of the marriage of his grand daughter, Miss Gerda Hamerik, to Leo Damm, which took place in Christ's Church of that city at five o'clock this afternoon. The wedding will be followed by a reception and dinner party at the home of the bride's parents, Prof. and Mrs. Asger Hamerik.
(The Columbia herald. 7. november 1919)
To visit daughter at Copenhagen.
Thomas H. Williams and miss Irene will sail from New York July 21.
(From tuesday's Daily Herald.)
Thomas H. Williams and daughter, Mis Irene, will leave Columbia about July 10 for a visit to Mr. Williams' daughter, Mrs. Hamerik, in Copenhagen, Denmark. They have engaged passage on the steamer "Hellig Olav," shich will sail from New York on July 21. They have also secured return passage leaving Denmark Sept. 23. This is the first visit that Mr. Williams has made to his daughter in about eight or nine years. In 1914 Mrs. Hamerik was ready to leave Denmark for a visit to this country but the war stopped her.
(The Columbia herald. 13. maj 1921)
Børnene fandt efter hendes død hendes scrapbog, hvor de fik fornemmelse af hvor talentfuld hun havde været. Valdis Hamerik mente der ikke havde været plads til to komponister i ét ægteskab.
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